Okay so I've been trying my best since the start of the year to get my finances on track...turns out it's a lot harder than I expected! The first two months of the year are two of the most stressful in work due to the massive volume of new enquiries, it's common to come into 150 emails overnight. Our boiler broke. Also I haven't been well at all, I got a cold and then it went on to my chest in the form of 'Costacondritus' - the swelling of the cartilage between the sternum and ribcage. Essentially it felt like I was having mini heart attacks or someone was punching my chest - not very nice. Just these two things alone made me feel very miserable and in the end I spent a lot more than expected on treats and eating out. We did have a wonderful trip to Edinburgh which wasn't costly at all due to the free two nights dinner, bed and breakfast employee offer I had. All I paid for last month for this was car parking, entrance to the castle and food! G...